The Art of Being Brave

Published on 21 February 2025 at 04:23

I have been learning more about what it means to be brave and the greatest lessons I learn is from the beautiful humans around me that I have been fortunate to watch grow

See their hearts are soft and gentle, they may sometimes appear loud or chaotic but often it is because the softness wasn't seen and so often in frustration it is shown

My heart is still learning this too as I realise the brave I see and encourage, cheer on is the same brave in me that is trying just to be heard and seen 

The concept of bravery is often thought to be this heroic or grand gesture however I challenge that and think it is the ability to allow yourself to find a safe place to lean

The purest form of bravery is not grandiose and loud I don't think or the one that is often the most common nature of our human pursuit 

It is the courage to be vulnerable and allow yourself to express your heart and the small steps that push you towards trying as even when scary, to try is what you still choose

 So brave ones, please do not despair as I know you may often doubt this reality and think it's the opposite of brave but your willingness to be open is what will get you far

I am sorry all wont understand but I see you and and I have hope the right people will see it in time and in that I hope you learn with safety you are free to be who you already are 

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