The love I wish I learnt about earlier

Published on 14 February 2025 at 04:28

The first love, the one I wish I learnt earlier how to love, and nurture, the one that people and things can add to but ultimately, it is mine to grow

It is the love within me, the love I give myself, the love I deserve, not equated by accomplishments or others but rather it is the seeds that I put in it and sow

It is the love that now I have found it, I don't want to ever forget as it is the love that I get to choose and control, it is the one that if I tend to it can always hold

I get to give it the love, kindness, and forgiveness it so deserves but also is so valued to my inner being, my confidence and when I allow it, a place to rest my soul

I choose to love myself before others which may be contradictory to other concepts which I respect but in my experience I need to give first within 

Because I find if I love myself first, and fill my own tank with the energy it deserves, the love and kindness I give is secure and not for need based as wisdom is brought in   

If I can love myself first, then I get to dictate my worth, and my story, and my impacts in this life can be higher valued because my capacity to love increases

So hello me, I am sorry that it took me so long, but I am learning to lean into our life and love every part of you knowing that together as we share we fix all the broken pieces 


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