You are clever, what is inside of you may often be looked over, your intelligence is often misunderstood, and I know you feel it and see it, and ask why are some unkind?
You are not limited to other perceptions, think about it, have they taken the time to really see you? I think if they did they would see your incredible mind and how you shine
You are not broken; you do not need to be fixed. You are unique and were created to think how you do. It will challenge others often but will also be a blessing
Some will lean in and see your specialness and how it positively affects the worlds, because your light is a gift and has a lot to offer, don't let others keep you questioning
Your heart is warm, and it is big, I am sure often the overwhelm of emotions are scary and confusing and can make you feel is this why some choose to walk away?
Please don't worry about those ones, remember the few who are there, who provide safety, support you, see you and hear you and here I hope your confidence builds and you can forget what others say
It will be too much for some and I am sorry that not everyone has the right understanding or grace to give you, I know it is sad but don't let those people take your beautiful light
You are smart, you are kind, and what you contribute is significant and important to those who choose to use kindness to come in closer and listen, to those who special enough to incline
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