Hello in there, my inner soul mate, the child inside me that has been pushed to the back for so long and has been filled with anguish and fear
I am sorry you were made to feel it wasn't safe or that you were not valued enough, and you felt that the only solution was to disappear
I am here with you now and I want you to know that it is okay and it is safe, you are no longer alone, and I am here so we can conquer this together
I apologise and also know I never intentionally left you hidden but my subconscious had been influenced and it was there that we were severed
I have always carried you close though, in my moments of despair, hurt and defeat, I look back and can't help but think was that you, crying inside of me?
We are in this journey together and I am only grateful now I have seen it so we no longer have to be alone and maybe in this process we can finally find our peace
So to my inner soulmate, the one that has held so strong for so long, thank you for carrying me through life and know it is safe to come out and be heard now
I am listening and ready to fight for our voice and our happiness, you will no longer be silenced or held back, I am here now and will ensure we never again lose our sound
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