The power of a nap

Published on 16 October 2024 at 03:00

When the day has been long or triggers have spiked your emotions high

You find yourself in overwhelm regardless of every coping strategy you apply

Your mind is racing, you think how can you surely experience every feeling at once

The present moment incapsulated by the intense level of distress that is in front

You are not aware in the moment, but in past tense you reflect that some parts of your mind was irrational

But that’s the power of the brain and heart connection that creates risks unsurpassable

However I’ve learnt the benefits of actions, words, responses in the heat of the moment are a gamble

For often the emotions overtake the actual need, intention at hand and words formed are a scramble

So now when stakes are high, it’s the small but necessary voice that says take a nap that I heed

For the clarity, focus, calmness I find after I rest was what my mind and body need

There is power in patience, waiting and giving your soul essential rest

You may surprise yourself how your perspective may shift when you allow your thoughts a nest

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