Welcome to A Place to Be Seen

This is a place I need to prepare you for because all the writings are not pretty, or perfect, some are hopeful, some are despairing
It is reality at its rawest, my vulnerabilities, reflections, emotions in presenting moments, every aspect of thoughts, here I’m sharing

Some messy, and hard to write, but for me there was a process, as I began to let the words that were evoked flow
Some are frustration and dark, hope seems scarce, others you can see that as I continue to write the concept of prosperity, and resolution grows

I choose to display all writings, because to neglect the ones that are challenging or dark would be untrue to the human form
And my ambition is that whatever you read, one speaks to your being and you know that your thoughts, concerns, and journey is allowed despite if it feels you’re in a storm

So if any piece is relatable, take it, I truly believe these are not just for my benefit but in my creation and activity I thought of you
Lean into the feelings and know they are valid, the good, the bad, the ugly, every portion holds value and is true

So if you cry, feel hopeless, or an ease of mind, give yourself the opportunity for your body to receive and to release
My aspiration is that through whatever capacity these writings hold for you, I hope you find you’re not alone, and there rest is found and you discover peace

You Exist

You exist, you matter, there is purpose in your life despite what’s been thrown your way

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I have always felt defaulted to kindness, it has always just resonated with who I want to be

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The Last Inning

It's that time of year again, where you are simultaneously excited and exhausted all at once as you begin this race's last inning

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You have navigated many stormy seas, you're a captain, and though it's your job is to direct, you never thought you would in the end be alone

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Forgiveness, is a big one, a hard one, how do you release the pain and suffering, and let someone free of the harm they have caused you?

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They say don’t disassociate, allow the feelings, be present, it will subside, but sometimes it actually doesn’t and the imminent need is survival

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Changing the Narrative

Be careful little eyes what you see is a line I remember hearing as a child and I get it now because what you see can ultimately impact everything

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My Christmas Wish

A year that has shifted me more then I feel my whole life has ever done, I am unsure if it is the adversity or my that my heart is more inclined from the broken to find healing

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Our Inner Instincts

We are predisposed to inherently hold certain characteristics, additionally we are guided by experiences, trauma, endorphins, this all shapes how we engage

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What Is Hope Weighted In?

Hope, what is it actually weighted in it because I find myself being repelled by phrases that only sound nonsensical like fairies running around and throwing dust

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To Be Authentically Brave

I have grappled with this notion of bravery for awhile now as I have always gravitated to what I thought was its purpose, and for me I thoughts its value was purely to be strong

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Have We Lost Christmas

A day filled with cheer and joy right? But why is everyone so exhausted by the time it comes and weighted with the tasks to make everything perfect

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One Man Journey

It is a one man journey, this mountain is bigger than any other one I have ever climbed and the obstacles, the defeats are surely greater than any before

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Grieving Love Alive

Have you ever grieved a love of a person who is still alive and walking around but cannot give the love to you that you so have wished for and desired

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The Weight of Your Words

The weight in words is beyond more than most actions can do, they truly can restore a person but I will tell you it's also too easy to tear someone down with them

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To the Little One Inside

I wander about you as I look back at my life and see how I have overextended myself to others to show kindness, love and for people to be seen and heard

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You are clever and kind

You are clever, what is inside of you may often be looked over, your intelligence is often misunderstood, and I know you feel it and see it, and ask why are some unkind? 

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I Am In A Lifeboat

I am in a lifeboat lost at sea, I've used all the emergency supplies, done the sos call, and yet I am here still and realising that maybe there's nothing more to do

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The picture in my head

It is the picture in my head but I'm also considerate of its weight in my heart for it's unrealistic even though I have seen glimpses I know it's not you're fault it can't stay 

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The Art of Being Brave

I have been learning more about what it means to be brave and the greatest lessons I learn is from the beautiful humans around me that I have been fortunate to watch grow

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My Evolving Journey of Love

A complexity of emotions gravitates in my mind as it ponders love and how I am here learning for the first time what it truly is to love not just others but also me 

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