In a crowd, or so close in proximity to people yet I am here alone, not chosen and worse to be honest then being isolated by myself
I would rather be on an island stranded then knowing people are close yet decide I am not of enough value and get put on the shelf
As someone who seeks self improvement, I suffer when they leave me out with out any explanation and I am left wandering why
Why I am not enough? Why whatever I did tipped them over the edge and the neglect the opportunity to not give me the chance to try
The pain is too much, I am struggling with the ability to regulate as being left alone why surrounded is a hurt I do not like at all
And I am here trying to pretend I'm miles away and in my own sanctuary, because all I feel is that till help comes I have to find distractions in the delusional
So I am here, I try to tell myself people wish for this solitude and it's okay you don't have your own tribe or own people right now to have and to confide
Maybe if hoping and wishing is true, they're just around the corner and waiting to share and contribute to this world with me by their side
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