I am sorry you did not understand me, I know I tried but I can only imagine the load you carry and the fatigue of the tasks that keep you bound
I don't know if to you I am stereotypical or completely out of the box but I know our connection was broken and as a result hardship seemed for the both of us to be found
I have told myself though the adversity was a struggle and I felt mistreated you probably were not well given support or knowledge to provide me with the best aid
I want to somehow make this better for everyone as I'm sure neither of us are feeling great about this, so I contemplate how can I help this in the future to be changed
I think there was many things lost in translation and if opportunity could take us back, there is a lot we could alter so I amtrying to figure out what from this I can learn
Because although it currently still makes my insides churn with inner turmoil and dismay, my wellbeing and the desire for the best future is my priority and concern
So should it be me apologising? I don't know to be honest, I did not really think I would find myself here but I know that this is an important step for me to find my peace
Because at the end of the day, I have learnt, I need to protect and look after myself because my greatest ally in achieving my best in life is me
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