There is a sad presumption that FND is chosen and when we decide to change our minds we will suddenly be back to full functionality
Honestly, how can one conceive this notion to be true? Why would you choose to live in a state of such grief, the opposite is the actuality
Its scary, being stripped of your own independence and ability to look after yourself, this is not at all what you chose or how you imagined life
Freedom, autonomy, the bonds of human support and connection is what you would any day take back and happily trade for the strife
This diagnosis comes with insurmountable loss, and the fear of it ever being rebuilt is hard when you're constantly invalidated in your situation
Yes, research says you can attain recovery, however not acknowledging someone in their present only debilitates and causes misscommunication
So no, incase you were wondering, FND is not a choice, whether due to pain, infection or trauma, it's not the point, the person has suffered a huge disconnect
It's beneficial to imagine what you would feel like if your body endured such loss and maybe in this space, empathy you can elect
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